Current projects
Approaches to reform of commitment in a forensic psychiatric facility according to §64 StGB
Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
Aim / Background
The legal measures of the ‘Maßregelgesetz’ (part of the German criminal code) have been fundamentally reformed in recent years: Now, as the last of the inpatient measures, the placement in a detoxification centre according to § 64 StGB is also facing a far-reaching process of change. And with good reason:
The number of patients who are placed in a rehabilitation facility based on § 64 StGB has risen considerably in recent years and continues to rise. Between 1990 and 2014, the number of patients quadrupled from 1000 to 4000. At present, about 4500 patients are confined on the basis of § 64 StGB. A likewise growing number of patients cannot successfully complete treatment. Established by the Federal Constitutional Court in 1994 and included in the legal text in 2007, the measure under § 64 StGB may only be mandated if there is a sufficiently concrete prospect of success. The expectation associated with this has not been fulfilled. Nationwide, every second treatment (30 to 70 percent) is terminated, despite all legal discussions advised by experts about the prospects of success in the courtroom. Patients who have had their therapy terminated because there is no hope of success represent a special risk clientele: They not only have an unfavourable prospect of abstinence, but also of legal probation. The majority of these patients will commit new offences within two years. Suitable treatment concepts are lacking.
However, placement in a rehability facility is by no means only a disadvantage: The patients who successfully complete the therapy benefit from the treatment in the long term and are significantly less likely to relapse into drug abuse and commit criminal acts. For these patients, confinement in accordance with § 64 StGB is superior to other forms of care.
Against this background, there is predominantly agreement on the need for change, but the specific structure of the reform is controversial. Those patients who successfully complete the therapy benefit from the treatment in the long term. Those whose treatment has been terminated because there is no hope of success form a poorly cared for risk clientele. Alternative treatment options could improve care.
- Müller, Jürgen L. (2021): Replik zur Debatte um die Reform der Unterbringung in einer Entziehungsanstalt. In: Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 15 (3), S. 284–287.
- Müller JL, Böcker FM, Eusterschulte B, Koller M, Muysers J, Pollmächer T. Neuregelung des § 64 StGB aus psychiatrischer Sicht – Positionspapier einer Task-Force der DGPPN. Nervenarzt 2021; 92(11):1155–62.
- Müller, J.L. & Koller, M., Hrsg. (2020) Reformansätze zur Unterbringung nach § 64 StGB. Der zweischneidige Erfolg der Unterbringung in einer Entziehungsanstalt, in: Forensische Psychiatrie im Dialog. Interdisziplinäre Impulse für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Hrsg. v. Koller, Matthias / Müller, Jürgen L. / Nowara, Sabine / Spaniol, Margret
- Müller, J.L. (2019) Ansätze zur Reform der Unterbringung in einer Entziehungsanstalt, Forens Psychiatr Psychol Kriminol
- Müller, J. L., Saimeh, N., Briken, P., Eucker, S., Hoffmann, K., Koller, M., ... Zeidler, R. (2018). Standards für die Behandlung im Maßregelvollzug nach §§ 63 und 64 StGB. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 12(2), 93–125.
Consequences of the reform of commitment in a forensic psychiatric facility according to paragraph 63 StGB
Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
Aim / Background
In 2016, the reform concerning the confinement in psychiatric hospitals in accordance with § 63 StGB came into effect. As a consequence, the continuation of confinement is tied to the expected danger. In addition, the frequency of external assessments was significantly increased. The consequences of these and other legal impulses on treatment and confinement are discussed.
- Müller, Jürgen L. (2020): Krank oder kriminell? Stand und Perspektive der Forensischen Psychiatrie angesichts der jüngsten rechtlichen Vorgaben für den Maßregelvollzug. In: Jörg-Martin Jehle (Hg.): Das sogenannte Böse. Das Verbrechen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. 1. Auflage. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 129–148.
- Müller, Jürgen Leo (2019): Forensische Psychiatrie: Maßregelrecht auf dem Prüfstand. In: Deutsches Arzteblatt 116 (38), A 1713-6. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 27.09.2019.
- Müller, Jürgen Leo (2019): Behandlung und Erfolg - Entwicklungen in der forensischen Psychiatrie. In: Axel Dessecker, Stefan Harrendorf und Katrin Höffler (Hg.): Angewandte Kriminologie – Justizbezogene Forschung. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, S. 99–103
- Müller, J., Saimeh, N., & Briken, P. (2018). Standards für die Behandlung im Maßregelvollzug nach §§ 63 und 64 StGB: Interdisziplinäre Task-Force der DGPPN. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
- Müller, J. L., Saimeh, N., Briken, P., Eucker, S., Hoffmann, K., Koller, M., …, Zeidler, R. (2018). Standards für die Behandlung im Maßregelvollzug nach §§ 63 und 64 StGB. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 12(2), 93–125.
Quality standards of forensic psychiatric assessment
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
Aim / Background
The importance of psychiatric assessment in both civil and criminal proceedings has increased significantly over the last years. Quality standards are determined and the implementation of available standards is checked. For this purpose, an interdisciplinary task force was formed to revise the minimum requirements for assessments of the prognosis.
- Müller J. L., & Saimeh, N. (2018). Die Mindestanforderungen für Prognosegutachten: Herausforderungen an und Gründe für ein Update. Recht & Psychiatrie, 36(3), 145–149.
Prevention of Sexual Abuse (PsM)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
- M. Sc. Tamara Wild
- M. Sc. Isabel Müller
- M. Sc. Lenka Klein
Aim / Background
From July 2011 to August 2020,the outpatient therapy project “Prevention of Sexual Abuse” (PsM) provided low-threshold therapeutic services for persons with a self-reported sexual interest in children and/or adolescents. It addressed both men and women who do not want to act on their preference, as well as consumers of sexual exploitation material of minors (Schulz et al. 2017b; Stolpmann et al. 2017; Wild et al., 2020). The PsM aimed to encourage the personal strengths of the patients, to increase self-acceptance and life satisfaction, to decrease dynamic risk factors associated with recidivism and to promote the development of self-control strategies in order to contribute to the protection of children and adolescents from sexual assault. Treatment participation was free of charge and was subject to the obligation of confidentiality. Inclusion criteria were intrinsic motivation, willingness to change, and a high self-reported degree of psychological strain. Offenders with probation conditions could commence treatment, however, these probation conditions could not be met by participating in the program. The therapy program is currently being evaluated and results are published regularly.
The treatment program was funded by the State Government of Lower Saxony, the Human Medical Center Göttingen and Asklepios Psychiatric Clinic Göttingen.
- Wild TSN, Müller I, Fromberger P, Jordan K, Klein L, Müller JL. Prevention of Sexual Child Abuse: Preliminary Results From an Outpatient Therapy Program. Front. Psychiatry 2020; 11:88.
- Wild TSN, Fromberger P, Jordan K, Müller I, Müller JL. Web-Based Health Services in Forensic Psychiatry: A Review of the Use of the Internet in the Treatment of Child Sexual Abusers and Child Sexual Exploitation Material Offenders. Front. Psychiatry 2019; 9:79.
- Schulz, T., Hofter, Corinna, & Müller, Jürgen. (2017a). Prävention sexuellen Missbrauchs: Therapiemanual zur Arbeit mit (potenziellen) Tätern (1. Auflage). Weinheim, Basel: Beltz. Schulz, T., Palmer, S., Stolpmann, G., Wernicke, M., & Müller, J. L. (2017b). Presenting a treatment concept for people with a self-reported sexual interest in children in an outpatient setting. Open Journal of Psychiatry, 7(01), 1-17.
- Stolpmann, G., Kahnt, N., Müller, I., Palmer, S., Wernicke, M., Wulf, V., . . . Müller, J. L. (2017). Diagnostik und Behandlung sexueller Missbrauchstäter: Im Maßregelvollzug nach § 63 StGB und in der Präventionsambulanz [Diagnostics and treatment of sex offenders: In psychiatric forensic committment according to § 63 StGB and in outpatient prevention]. Der Nervenarzt, 88(5), 472–479.
@myTabu - A guided web-based intervention for individuals who are convicted for child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation material offenses and who are under community supervision
- Dr. P. Fromberger
- Prof. J. L. Müller
- M. Sc. Sonja Schröder
- M. Sc. Bruno Siegel
Aim / Background
Child sexual abuse is one of the most harmful events in the development of children, with potential long-term negative consequences for mental and physical health of those affected. In order to protect children from these incidents, both adequate victim protection and offender work is necessary. Prevention projects for persons who have sexually offended against children or consumed sexual exploitation material, but have not been criminally convicted of a crime, have been implemented across Germany. However, the treatment of persons convicted of child sexual abuse offences (§§ 176ff. StGB) or child sexual exploitation material offences (§ 184b StGB) is still lacking. Especially in rural regions, large travel distances and long waiting lists impede access to psychotherapeutic treatment, which is particularly problematic as the risk of recidivism is highest shortly after release from a correctional institution or forensic ward. Additionally, some persons convicted of a child sexual exploitation material offence (§ 184b StGB) are not treated in sex offender outpatient clinics in spite of a need for treatment. Therapeutic treatment of persons who have committed sexual offences is effective in reducing recidivism, but requires a large financial and personnel effort. Online interventions can be a cost-efficient additional possibility in this case, offering a high degree of flexibility and ease-of-use even in rural areas (Wild et al, 2019). @myTabu aims to develop and test the effectiveness of a therapist-supported online intervention for persons convicted of child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation material offences that are currently under community supervision. Additionally, an online risk assessment is being developed, evaluated and integrated, allowing the assessment of a person's dynamic risk of recidivism repeatedly and efficiently via self-report measures. Furthermore, @myTabu provides information on the economic benefits of the online intervention. The effectiveness of the online intervention will be assessed from spring 2021 to spring 2023 using a randomized, placebo-controlled trial design. The clinical trial was registered in the German Register of Clinical Trials (DRKS 00021256) prior to the start of data collection and approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Medical Center Göttingen. Within the framework of the BMBF-funded research project (FKZ: 01KR1807A), the UMG is responsible for overall coordination, the development of the online intervention and the implementation of the clinical study.
- Fromberger, P., Schröder, S., Bauer, L., Siegel, B., Tozdan, S., Briken, P., ... & Müller, J. L. (2020). @ mytabu - A placebo controlled randomized trial of a guided web-based intervention for individuals who sexually abused children and individuals who consumed child sexual exploitation material: a clinical study protocol. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1517.
- Bauer, L., Schröder, S., Tozdan, S., Müller, J. L., Fromberger, P., (2021). @myTabu – Konzept einer Therapeuten-gestützten Online-Intervention für verurteilte Personen, die Kindesmissbrauch begangen oder Missbrauchsabbildungen konsumiert haben. Bewährungshilfe, 68(1), 5-22.
- Schröder, S., Bauer, L., Müller, J. L., Briken, P., Fromberger, P., Tozdan, S., (submitted). Web-Based Interventions for Individuals who Committed Sexual Offenses Against Children: Development, Evaluation, and Implementation.
- Centre for Criminology e. V. (PD Dr. Martin Rettenberger)
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Prof. Dr. David Ebert)
- University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Prof. Dr. Peer Briken)
- German Police University (Prof. Dr. Anja Schiemann)
ViRAC – Virtual Environments for the Risk Assessment of Child Abusers
- Dr. P. Fromberger
- M. Sc. Sabrina Meyer
- PD Dr. Kirsten Jordan
- Prof. J.L. Jürgen Müller
Aim / Background
The decision on whether to grant unsupervised privileges to sexual offenders against children (SOC) is one of the most difficult decisions for practitioners in forensic high-security hospitals. Considering the possible consequences of this decision for society, a valid and reliable risk management of SOCs is essential. Some risk management approaches provide frameworks for the construction of relevant future risk situations. Due to ethical reasons, it is not possible to evaluate the validity of constructed risk situations in reality. The aim of the study was to test whether behavioral monitoring of SOCs in high-immersive virtual risk situations provides additional information for risk management. Six SOCs and seven non-offender controls (NOC) walked through three virtual risk situations, which confronted the participant with a virtual child character. The participant had to choose between predefined answers representing approach or avoidance behavior. The frequency of chosen answers was analyzed with respect to knowledge of the participants’ coping skills and the coping skills that were focused on during therapy. SOCs’ and NOCs’ behavior differed only in one risk scenario. Furthermore, in 89% of all cases, SOCs showed a behavior that did not correspond to their own belief about adequate behavior in comparable risk situations. In 62% of all cases, SOCs did not behave in accordance with the coping skills that they reported their therapists to have focused on during therapy. In 50% of all cases, SOCs behaved in accordance with coping skills that the therapists reported to have focused on during therapy. Therapists incorrectly predicted the behavior of SOCs in virtual risk situations in 25% of all cases. Thus, virtual risk scenarios provide the possibility for practitioners to monitor the behavior of SOCs and to test their decisions on unsupervised privileges without endangering the community. This may provide additional information for therapy progress. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the predictive and ecological validity of behavioral monitoring in virtual risk situations for real life situations.
ViRAC was funded from 01.03.2013 – 01.08.2015 by the Research Promotion Programme of the Medical Faculty of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ( .
- Fromberger, P., Jordan, K., and Müller, J.L. (2014a). Anwendung virtueller Realitäten in der forensischen Psychiatrie. Ein neues Paradigma? Nervenarzt, 85(3):298–303.
- Fromberger, P., Meyer, S., Kempf, C., Jordan, K. & Müller, J. L. (2015). Virtual Viewing Time: the relationship between presence and sexual interest. PLoS One, 10, e0127156.
- Fromberger, P., Meyer, S., Jordan, K., & Müller, J. L. (2018). Behavioral monitoring of sexual offenders against children in virtual risk situations: A feasibility study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(MAR).
- Barbe, H., Siegel, B., Müller, J. L., & Fromberger, P. (2020). Welches Potenzial haben virtuelle Realitäten in der klinischen und forensischen Psychiatrie? Ein Überblick über aktuelle Verfahren und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 14(3), 270–277.
Screenshot of the virtual environment
The VR Lab at the Chair of Forensic Psychiatry
ViContact - Initial interviews in cases of suspected sexual abuse - Professionalization of education students via practice in virtual scenes
- Prof. Dr. J. L. Müller
- Dr. Peter Fromberger
Aim / Background
Teachers often feel insecure when they are approached by students who may have experienced sexualised violence. Virtual learning environments can help future teachers to practice such initial conversations. This project will develop and implement a prototypical scenario from the school context (classroom) with virtual child characters of primary school age and of both sexes. During the training, participants can practice their questioning style with eight visually and biographically different children using natural language. The assessment of the training and the evaluation of its effectiveness will be carried out in four comparison groups with education students at the Europe-University Flensburg. In addition, criteria for conducting and documenting interviews will be developed with experts in the field of testimonial psychology and child and youth psychologists as well as criminal judges. After successful evaluation, the virtual training is to be made available for initial and further training of teachers, initially at the Europe-University Flensburg, as well as being made available as prototypical teaching and learning material to universities. In addition, it is possible that the results will be used in the training of groups from other professions (e.g. police officers, doctors, psychologists) working in the field of sexualised violence against children and adolescents.
In the BMBF-funded joint project, UMG is responsible for the sub-project VR development and evaluation (FKZ 01SR1703C).
The project received a follow-up funding for 36 months beginning in October 2021 (FKZ 01SR2111C). UMG is responsible for the sub-project of further developing the technical framework of the VR-training, that was utilized in the first funding phase.
- Barbe, H., Siegel, B., Müller, J. L., & Fromberger, P. (2020). Welches Potenzial haben virtuelle Realitäten in der klinischen und forensischen Psychiatrie? Ein Überblick über aktuelle Verfahren und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 14(3), 270–277.
- Screenshot of the virtual environmentEurope-University Flensburg (Dr. Simone Pülschen)
- Berlin University of Psychology (Prof. Dr. Renate Volbert)
I can't look away - Attention control and deviant sexual interest
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kirsten Jordan
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
- M. Sc. Isabel Müller
- Dr. Peter Fromberger
Aim / Background
Sexual abuse is an event with one of the most severe impacts on the healthy development of a child. In 2017, police crime statistics recorded a total of 8,881 suspects for child sexual abuse and 5,669 suspects for the distribution, acquisition, possession and production of child pornography. 25-40% of offenders meet the criteria of a paedophilic disorder. Deviant sexual interests, as encompassed by the paedophilic disorder, are one of the strongest predictors of recidivism. Due to conscious or unconscious tendencies to falsify the results, it is necessary to use instruments that record the sexual interest independently of the subject's statement in order to assess deviant sexual interest. Even though various research approaches have been available for several years, there is still no clinically applicable, valid and reliable instrument for recording sexual interest. One way of recording sexual orientation in a more differentiated manner and independently of self-statements is to use attention processes, which in turn can be displayed by eye movements. Previous research approaches have shown that paedophilic forensic inpatients show impaired attention control with regard to sexual stimuli (Jordan et al. 2016b). In a therapeutic context, patients of the outpatient therapy project “Prevention of Sexual Abuse” (PsM) often report being distracted by child/adolescent stimuli in everyday situations (e.g. in the supermarket or on the bus). On the other hand, it is known that the ability for self-regulation is also one of the important risk factors for recidivism. To date, however, the ability of (sexual) self-regulation has been recorded mainly by self- and external reports.
This research project therefore uses two different approaches to develop reliable and valid instruments for recording sexual interest and attention control independent of the subjective statement of the test person. These instruments are to be used to support both diagnostics and therapy evaluation.
- Jordan, K., Fromberger, P., Müller, I., Wernicke, M., Stolpmann, G., & Müller, J. L. (2018). Sexual interest and sexual self-control in men with self-reported sexual interest in children – A first eye tracking study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 96, 138–144.
- Jordan, K., Fromberger, P., Herder, J. von, Steinkrauss, H., Nemetschek, R., Witzel, J., & Müller, J. L. (2016a). Can We Measure Sexual Interest in Pedophiles Using a Sexual Distractor Task? Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1(2).
- Jordan, K., Fromberger, P., Herder, J. von, Steinkrauss, H., Nemetschek, R., Witzel, J., & Müller, J. L. (2016b). Impaired Attentional Control in Pedophiles in a Sexual Distractor Task. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7, 193.
- Fromberger, P., Jordan, K., Steinkrauss, H., Herder, J. von, Stolpmann, G., Kröner-Herwig, B., & Müller, J. L. (2013). Eye movements in pedophiles: Automatic and controlled attentional processes while viewing prepubescent stimuli. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(2), 587–599.
- Fromberger, P., Jordan, K., Steinkrauss, H., Herder, J. von, Witzel, J., Stolpmann, G., …, Müller, J. L. (2012). Diagnostic Accuracy of Eye Movements in Assessing Pedophilia. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9(7), 1868–1882.
- Central State Forensic Psychiatric Hospital of Saxony-Anhalt, Uchtspringe (Dr. Joachim Witzel)
- Forensic Pschiatric Center Lower Saxony, Moringen (Dr. Dirk Hesse)
- Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Bremen-Ost (Dr. Uwe Dobrunz, Dr. Ute Franz)
Neurobiology of forensically relevant disorders
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kirsten Jordan
- M. Sc. Mona Klöckner
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen L. Müller
Aim / Background
The neurostructural and functional bases of (deviant) sexual interest are of interest in both fundamental and clinically applied research. Particularly in forensic psychiatry, it is necessary to use experimental approaches that are robust against potential manipulation. This is investigated with two different approaches. Own research results show that it is possible to map sexual interest in healthy heterosexual subjects using a sexual distractor task (Jordan et al. 2018b). Further results indicate that this is also possible by the subliminal presentation of sexually preferred and sexually non-preferred stimuli (Wernicke et al. 2017). In future projects, both approaches will be optimized and tested with regard to their use in patients.
Previous research results on structural changes in the brain of child abusers are still very heterogeneous. One reason for this is that the groups studied are often very heterogeneous and difficult to compare. In a cooperative project with the Mind Research Network (MRN) Albuquerque, structural brain abnormalities are being investigated in various well-defined groups of test persons.
- Klöckner MS, Jordan K, Kiehl KA, Nyalakanti PK, Harenski CL, Müller JL. Widespread and interrelated gray matter reductions in child sexual offenders with and without pedophilia: Evidence from a multivariate structural MRI study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2021; 75(11):331–40.
- Müller, Jürgen L. (2020): Neuroimaging Perspectives in Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Strategies. In: Alan R. Felthous und Henning Sass (Hg.): The Wiley international handbook on psychopathic disorders and the law. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, S. 289–305.
- Jordan K, Wild TSN, Fromberger P, Müller I, Müller JL. Are there any biomarkers for pedophilia and sexual child abuse? – A review. Front. Psychiatry 2020; 10:940.
- Jordan, K., Wieser, K., Methfessel, I., Fromberger, P., Dechent, P., & Müller, J. L. (2018b). Sex attracts - neural correlates of sexual preference under cognitive demand. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 12(1), 109–126.
- Wernicke, M., Hofter, C., Jordan, K., Fromberger, P., Dechent, P., & Müller, J. L. (2017). Neural correlates of subliminally presented visual sexual stimuli. Consciousness and Cognition, 49, 35–52.
- MR research in neurology and psychiatry, University Medical Center Goettingen (PD Dr. Peter Dechent)
- Forensics Lab, Mind Research Network, Albuquerque (Prof. Carla Harenski, Prof. Kent Kiehl)
Research group leader
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Leo Müller
Tel.: +49 551 4022102
Fax.: +49 551 39XXXX
External association:
- Chief Physician of the Asklepios Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy